Art Projects

Obra De Sol Quemado por José Pelletier

José Pelletier


Obra De Sol Quemado

  • El protagonismo de esta pieza no está en mi pintura, sino en el icono perse. La artesanía entraña un componente identitario que bien ponderado, podría constituirse en una imagen marca país. En este caso he sugerido el rostro de una mulata, que pasa a ser segunda piel de la escultura, procurando no alterar demasiado la obra original.
  • The highlight of this piece is not in my painting, but the icon itself. Craftsmanship entails an identity component that, if well considered, could become a national brand image. In this case I have suggested the face of a mulatto woman, which turns into the sculpture's second skin, while attempting not to alter much of the original work.
Obra De Sol Quemado por José Pelletier

Luis Rivas


Obra Musa del Carnaval

  • Inspirada en los colores de nuestro carnaval, el folclor domInspirada en los colores de nuestro carnaval, el folclor dominicano y la comparsa Las Musas de Punta Cana. Con el uso del reciclaje, invito a cuidar el medio ambiente para mantener nuestras costas limpias sin contaminación.
  • It is inspired by the colors of our carnival, Dominican folklore and Las Musas de Punta Cana. I openly invite everyone to take care of the environment, to keep our coasts clean and pollution free, by recycling.
Obra De Sol Quemado por José Pelletier

Killia Llano


Obra I live where you vacation

  • Lo más hermoso de mi país son sus recursos naturales y el beneficio que ello conlleva en nuestras emociones y la vida en general. La naturaleza me hace bien, me hace feliz, entonces vivir en un país tan inmensamente rico en recursos naturales, es razón suficiente para sentirme que estoy en el lugar correcto.
  • The most stunning thing about my country is its natural resources and the benefit it brings to our emotions and life in general. Nature is good for me, it makes me happy, so living in a country so immensely rich in natural resources is reason enough for me to feel that I am in the right place.
Obra De Sol Quemado por José Pelletier

Yojairah Objío y Sarah Uribe

@yojairah_objio | @sarah.cuo


vocabloT taíno para referirse a arrecifes e islas pequeñas / Taino jargon for small islands and reefs

  • Es una interpretación estilizada de nuestras costas, que son uno de los mayores atractivos y activos turísticos que poseemos; manteniendo la esencia de la muñeca sin rostro hecha del barro de nuestra tierra. Y recreando en un lenguaje gráfico el coral, la espuma y el manglar; con detalles de oro, el cual ha sido desde nuestro encuentro con el Viejo Mundo, uno de los recursos más preciados de nuestra Isla.
  • The project is a stylized interpretation of our coasts, one of our greatest attractions and tourism assets; it also keeps the essence of the 'faceless doll' that's made out of the mud of our land. Additionally, it recreates, in a graphic language, the coral, foam and the mangrove; including gold details, which is one of the most precious resources of our Island since our encounter with the 'Old World'.
Obra De Sol Quemado por José Pelletier

Jorge Modafoca


Obra Mantel

  • Flores tropicales sacadas de patrones de manteles que he encontrado en las mesas de comedores en la Isla. Siento que habla sobre nuestra identidad como caribeños, el sentido de hospitalidad y hasta de nuestras costumbres gastronómicas.
  • These tropical flowers were taken from tablecloth patterns that I have found on dining tables around the island. I feel they show our identity as Caribbean people, our sense of hospitality and even our gastronomic practices.
Obra De Sol Quemado por José Pelletier

Jef Font


Obra Magia Tropical

  • La obra refleja de lo que representa Punta Cana para los extranjeros y para también nosotros los locales. Es magia que te invade y te llena de alegría con sus aguas azules, su naturaleza y hermosos atardeceres.
  • This artwork reflects the representation of Punta Cana for foreigners and the locals. It is an invading magic that fulfills with joy along its blue waters, nature and beautiful sunsets.
Obra De Sol Quemado por José Pelletier



Obra Del Coral al Cielo

  • En Punta Cana se mezclan los de aquí y los de allá, los que vacacionan con los que #livewhereyouvacation. Esta pieza trata de reflejar esta mezcla como lo que es, una composición rica y armoniosa en la que encuentras belleza y diversión
  • In Punta Cana there is a mix of people from here and there, those who come to vacation with those that #livewhereyouvacation. This art piece attempts to reflect that mix as what it is: a rich and harmonious composition filled with beauty and fun.
Obra De Sol Quemado por José Pelletier

Willy Gómez


Obra Tesoro Tropical

  • Un tesoro nacional tan tropical como nuestra sangre. Inspirado en la flor nacional, nuestra Rosa de Bayahibe.
  • It is a national treasure as tropical as our blood. Inspired in the national flower Rosa de Bayahibe.
Obra De Sol Quemado por José Pelletier

José Pelletier


Obra De Sol Quemado

  • El protagonismo de esta pieza no está en mi pintura, sino en el icono perse. La artesanía entraña un componente identitario que bien ponderado, podría constituirse en una imagen marca país. En este caso he sugerido el rostro de una mulata, que pasa a ser segunda piel de la escultura, procurando no alterar demasiado la obra original.
  • The highlight of this piece is not in my painting, but the icon itself. Craftsmanship entails an identity component that, if well considered, could become a national brand image. In this case I have suggested the face of a mulatto woman, which turns into the sculpture's second skin, while attempting not to alter much of the original work.
Obra De Sol Quemado por José Pelletier

José Morillo


Obra Vida en Punta Cana sobre la muñeca sin rostro

  • Punta Cana, un lugar lleno de vida, color y mucho movimiento.
  • Punta Cana, a lively and colorful place filled with motion.
Obra De Sol Quemado por José Pelletier

Narcizo Rodríguez


Obra Marchanta de Quisqueya

  • Inspirada en las vendedoras de frutas ambulantes de toda la ciudad, y en ella destaco los colores del Trópico de mis obras.
  • Inspired by street fruit vendors from all over the city, it highlights the colors of the tropics I use in my artworks.
Obra De Sol Quemado por José Pelletier



Obra Flow Tropical

  • Es la sangre que corre por nuestras venas que nos hace quienes somos, de esa misma forma, como la lava ardiente, fluye y se apodera de todo donde llega. Así mismo es el dominicano. Que con su calidez y viveza, hace suyo a todo el que llega y hacia dónde va. Su música, su cultura son parte de esa lava que ha conquistado playas extrajeras.
  • It’s the blood that runs through our veins that makes us who we are, and just like hot lava, it flows and takes over everything wherever it lands on. Dominicans are just like that. With their warmth and liveliness, they make those who arrive one of their own and just as wherever they go. Their music and culture are part of that lava that has conquered foreign beaches.
Obra De Sol Quemado por José Pelletier



Obra Torre Control PUJ

  • This innovative initiative is an exclusive design for the Punta Cana International Airport, conceptualized by the artist on a ten-story building. The work turns the control tower into a point of reference, highlighting the cosmopolitan nature of tourism in the area, embellishing with memorable colors and shapes the welcome of millions of tourists and travelers who arrive on Dominican soil through the busiest airport. air in the country.
  • The renowned artist “Mad C” was born in Germany as Claudia Walde. She has been focused on urban art and graffiti for more than 22 years. She has completed dozens of works of public art internationally, including commissioned projects in Abu Dhabi, Germany, the United States, Colombia, France, Denmark, Finland, and England. She is considered one of the most outstanding muralists in the world.
Obra De Sol Quemado por José Pelletier



Obra Torre Control PUJ

  • The proposal is part of the portfolio of initiatives developed to promote art and culture in Punta Cana, where Dominican artists such as Evaristo Angurria, Patricio Correo and Rafael de los Santos "Pote Leche" have previously participated in projects such as the exhibition of urban muralism The Wallz.
  • After a year and a half of great challenges for our industry, we are proud to celebrate the recovery of Dominican tourism with a brilliant work of art that marks our spirit of optimism and openness to the world," said Frank Elías Rainieri, president and CEO of Puntacana Group.
Obra De Sol Quemado por José Pelletier



Obra Torre Control PUJ

  • We have a long tradition of receiving visitors from Germany, we are happy to honor that relationship with the collaboration of Mad-C at the airport,” added Rainieri.
  • The production and curatorship of the project was in charge of Luicho Delgado and Luisito Nazario, representatives of L2 Studio, both with more than 15 years of experience creating local and international art projects, in order to always promote cutting-edge cultural proposals and global quality. for the country, as well as for the insertion of emerging Dominican and regional art abroad. This is the beginning of a series of murals that MADC and L2 Studio plan to carry out in the Dominican Republic.” – Claudia Walde.
  • The development of the project had the support of the companies Avis and Andamios Del Este.
Obra De Sol Quemado por José Pelletier

The Wallz

Obra The Wallz

  • Have you visited The Wallz Puntacana yet? This is a new urban street art project that interprets our tourist destination and Grupo Puntacana Foundation’s conservation efforts.
  • The talented artists Angurria, Poteleche,220 and Patricio Correo have memorialized our efforts to protect the Ridgway’s Hawk, coral restoration, and beekeeping, among others.
Obra De Sol Quemado por José Pelletier

The Wallz

Obra The Wallz

  • Located at the back of the Galerias Comercial mall, in front of the Punta Cana airport, it is a spot where local artists have taken allegorical themes of culture, environmental and cultural projects of Punta Cana to capture them in murals with different techniques that offer color. and creativity to all who visit them.
  • Visit and get to know this colorful space from 10:00 am to 9:00 pm - share your best photo with the hashtag #thewallzpuntacana.
Obra De Sol Quemado por José Pelletier
Obra De Sol Quemado por José Pelletier
Obra De Sol Quemado por José Pelletier

Obra Cemí – Indigenous Eyes Ecological Reserve

  • As part of the artistic initiatives of Grupo Puntacana, we took the opportunity to create a work that welcomes visitors to the Ojos Indigenas Ecological Reserve.
  • The Reserve is a 1,500-acre private reserve owned and maintained by the Grupo Puntacana Foundation. The Reserve has 13 freshwater eyes (lagoons), formed by outcrops of an underground river named Yauya and provides habitat for an abundance of reptiles, birds, insects, and other local fauna and flora.
Obra De Sol Quemado por José Pelletier

Obra Cemí – Indigenous Eyes Ecological Reserve

  • The Zemí (or cemí) is a term used by Taíno peoples, the diverse societies that inhabited the Antilles archipelago before European contact, that linguistically relates to a quality akin to sweetness. Zemí refers not to an object or image but to an immaterial, spiritual, and vital force pertaining to deities and ancestors.
  • As part of the cultural contribution of Grupo Puntacana, this artistic project is developed with the intention of illustrating elements of the Taino culture that have a great presence in the Punta Cana area as it shows discoveries of archaeological sites in the area.
  • The production of the project was in charge of Luicho Delgado and Luisito Nazario, representatives of L2 Studio, both with more than 15 years of experience creating local and international art projects, in order to always promote cutting-edge cultural proposals and global quality.
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